Marc Lankhorst
Marc Lankhorst advisor on the development of NORA, the Dutch government reference architecture. This entails both general advice on the direction of its further development and specific assistance in the use of ArchiMate for NORA's underlying knowledge model. Until recently, Marc was also a member of the Architecture Council of the so-called "Manifest Group", a collective of (operational) government organizations such as the tax administration, social security instutitions, the chambers of commerce, immigration services, and more. Finally, Marc have managed several innovation projects with government organizations, on topics such as integrated e-government services and multi-channel management.
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From reference architecture to implementation: experiences from Dutch e-government
How Netherlanders live?
Why not to miss the presentation?
Netherlanders are mostly high-hearted and pleasant companions who do not like to spend for useless staff. And this is also how they treat their municipalities. The speaker will present three projects with beautiful woman names – NORA, PETRA and WILMA. You will find out what is behind them…
Executive Summary:
In this talk, Marc Lankhorst will describe the way in which the architecture of e-government in The Netherlands aims to create a coherent experience for citizens and cost-effective, reusable building blocks for administrations. The national government reference architecture (NORA) provides general guidelines, principles and building blocks. Domain-specific reference architectures, NORA's "daughters" such as GEMMA for the municipal domain, PETRA for the Dutch provinces, and WILMA for the water boards, offer more specific guidance, concrete business processes, application services and other building blocks for these domains. Finally, software several vendors provide the actual implementations of these building blocks. Marc will use the municipal domain to illustrate this chain from high-level principles to concrete realization.