Mária Bieliková
Computer scientist and artificial intelligence expert is one of the leading personalities of science in Slovakia. In 2020, she founded and still leads KInIT – Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies (https://kinit.sk), an independent research institute inspired by similar institutions abroad, which as a center of excellent research and expertise in artificial intelligence supports companies' interest in research, their stronger connection with the academic sector and the circulation of talents between sectors and also between Slovakia, Europe and the world. Until 2020, she worked at the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies of STU in Bratislava, which she headed for four years from 2015. In 2016, she received the IT personality award and is also the recipient of the 2010 Science and Technology Personality award and the 2022 Scientist of the Year award in the category of International Cooperation Personality. She is a senior member of the international professional societies IEEE and ACM, she was a member of the board of directors of the Joint Research Center at the European Commission.
In 2019, she came up with the idea of connecting the academic community, companies and state or non-profit institutions on the topic of artificial intelligence. Together with representatives of ITAS and AmCham, she founded the Slovak Center for Artificial Intelligence Research - slovak.AI, which was later transformed into AIslovakiaIA.
She devotes herself to research focused on the analysis of human-computer interaction in various domains, in recent years especially the topic of misinformation and its dissemination on the web. She actively participates in discussions about trustworthy artificial intelligence at the national and European level. She is a former member of the High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence established by the European Commission. Currently, she is the chairwoman of the Permanent Commission for Ethics and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence established by the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic.
In 2019, she came up with the idea of connecting the academic community, companies and state or non-profit institutions on the topic of artificial intelligence. Together with representatives of ITAS and AmCham, she founded the Slovak Center for Artificial Intelligence Research - slovak.AI, which was later transformed into AIslovakiaIA.
She devotes herself to research focused on the analysis of human-computer interaction in various domains, in recent years especially the topic of misinformation and its dissemination on the web. She actively participates in discussions about trustworthy artificial intelligence at the national and European level. She is a former member of the High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence established by the European Commission. Currently, she is the chairwoman of the Permanent Commission for Ethics and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence established by the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic.
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1on2 interview
1on1 with Mária Bieliková
Announcement of the AI Awards - Trusted AI
Who can afford artificial intelligence today?
We have had significant results in artificial intelligence in the last decade achieved mainly through the development of machine learning and special deep learning. From the amount of data, models that require a lot of data, talented experts and strong computational tools are trained. Are artificial intelligence innovations available to all? And how much do they cost our environment?
Discussion of invited guests:
Mária Bieliková, Kempelenov inštitút
Marcela Havrilová, Microsoft Slovakia
Tomáš Jucha, MIRRI
Ivan Láska, Trexima
Mário Lelovský, ITAS
Anna Záhorčáková, DITEC
What does it mean to be digitally skilled?
Potential of use of OPEN DATA in academia