Milan Andrejkovič
Milan Andrejkovič from MIRRI´s formed data office deals with data from various perspectives (reference data, my data, open data), while also emphasizing their use. He helps to set up the frameworks for the financing of projects focused on the management of public administration data, co-creates data legislation and, as the main data curator of the Slovak Republic for open public administration data, communicates and directs other data curators in Slovakia.
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Data office
Only a state that knows its data perfectly can manage it effectively and simplify citizens’ lives. In 2019, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investments and Informatisation launched the Data Office, which wants to help Slovakia to be at the forefront of countries based on accurate, up-to-date and trustworthy data. In the block we will present the existence of the Data Office and in the following discussions we will discuss 3 selected interesting topics that the Data Office deals with. Finally, we will present the Data Office identity as a new government start-up.