Milan Pikula
Milan was fortunate to not only witness the transformation of society from paper-based to information-based, but also to be directly involved in it. He has been active in cyber security, software development, Unix/Linux, and networks for 30 years. He currently leads SK-CERT, the national cyber security incident response unit. His most popular topics are technical: low-level programming, penetration testing, malware analysis, building CSIRT capabilities, and troubleshooting. He co-authored several projects, including the security framework in the Linux OS kernel or the TCP/IP stack in the Z80 assembler. In his spare time, he teaches courses on binary vulnerabilities and forensic analysis at STU's Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies. He is CISSP certified.
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DISCUSSION "Detecting and responding to cyber incidents"
1on2 interview
DISCUSSION "Can "Unhackable" Infrastructure be Designed?"
Zraniteľnosti v softvéri - útok a obrana
Software vulnerabilities - attack and defense
Effective Blockchain for Public Administration
Increased transparency, efficiency and new possibilities that are promise after deploying a blockchain are also interesting in public administration. However, how to avoid common problems in process of its implementation? The presentation will explain the concept and limitations of the blockchain and based on it it will provide practical advice on how to get the most out of blochchain for as little as possible.