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Milan Profant

Medical Faculty, University Hospital Bratislava, Head Doctor
Prof. Milan Profant, MD, PhD

Graduated from Medical Faculty of Comenius  University, Bratislava  (1976)
Specialisation in Otolaryngology (1984)
PhD degree Computer tomography of the temporal bone (1987)
Habilitation (Assoc.Professor - Docent) Development and state-of-the-art of stapes surgery in otosclerosis (1993)
Inauguration lecture for Professorship (2000)

Present position
Head, Department of ORL HNS Medical Faculty and University Hospital Bratislava                     
Pastpresident of the Slovak Society for Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery           
General Secretary to IFOS
Member of Executive committee EUFOS (European Federation of Otolaryngological Societies)    
Past president to EAONO 2010-2012 (European Academy of Otology and Neurotology)

CORLAS (Collegium Otorhinolaryngologicum Amititiae Sacrum)
EAONO (European Academy of Otology and Neuro-Otology
International Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (St.Petersburg)
Slovak Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery

Honorary member
Hungarian ORL Society
German ORL society
Austrian ORL Society
Slovenian ORL Society
South African Society ORL HNS
Czech ORL HNS Society
Slovak ORL HNS Society
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