Miriam Kováčiková
Miriam Kováčiková is the General Director of the section of the intermediary body of the company's informatization at the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic. She has been working in the field of Eurofund management since 2000. In the past, she held various managerial positions in the state administration in the area of managing the implementation of projects of the operational programs Education, Research and Development, and the operational program Human Resources at the Ministry of Education. She is currently prioritizing the simplification of the implementation of Eurofunds and the setting up of simplified reporting of expenditures within the projects of the priority axis Informatisation of Society, as well as the preparation of the new programming period 2021+.
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Support of digital Slovakia through EU resources as a way to keep pace with modernization
Up-to-date information on the possibilities of financing computerization and digitization within the Slovakia Program and the Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Slovak Republic. -
Modern technologies for cities and regions - digital infrastructure for smart cities
Support of modern technologies within the priority axis 7 Information Society Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure
Implemented calls aimed at supporting modern technologies - Modern technologies No. OPII-2020/7/11-DOP, WIFI for you No. OPII-2018/7/1-DOP
Planned calls aimed at supporting modern technologies set in cooperation with higher territorial units