Ondřej Šťáhlavský
Ondřej Šťáhlavský is respected expert within IT Security field almost 15 years. He has joined Fortinet 10 years ago as the first Territory Manager for the CEE region. Within those years Ondřej served in multiple roles, one of them was EMEA Technical Support Director where he built the new Technical Assistance Center supporting the EMEA region from Prague (Czech Republic). Once this mission has been finished Ondřej came back to CEE salesforce in the role of Regional Director.
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Discussion panel
Discussion panel
IT Security in New Digital World
Be proactive when it comes to cyber security! If you want to solve the challenges of today, do not rely on technology of yesterday. What you need is a clear vision and the ability to implement it, so the time and money you spend help you to reach your goal.
In the presentation we will share the Fortinet concept how to bridge the gap between yesterday and tomorrow, whatever your challenges are.
Security aspects of digital government transformation