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Ondrej Svačina

SOFTEC, Business Development Manager

Ondrej Svačina graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the Comenius University in Bratislava in the field of informatics. He has been with Softec since 2004 as a software architect and project manager. Since 2010, he is also responsible for the preparation of corporate strategy and development in the field of .NET technologies. During his professional career he devoted himself to the management, architecture and development of information systems in various domain areas, such as insurance and road network modeling in Slovakia. He is currently also involved in business intelligence and mobile applications. He regularly appears at various professional conferences and lectures.

  • DISCUSSION "Digitization of transport“
  • DISCUSSION “Intelligent Road Maintenance “
  • DISCUSSION “Digitalization of Transportation“
  • IoT environmental quality monitoring
    The Internet of Things (IoT) as a number of connected smaller low-cost devices with sensors has been invading ever new areas in the last few years. Environmental monitoring is one such area that SOFTEC focuses on in the broader activities of IoT and other modern technologies, including artificial intelligence. In a short presentation, we will present IoT envirostations for air quality and noise monitoring. With its features, this system has the ambition to significantly improve the spatial availability of environmental quality data.
  • Modern technologies to the satisfaction of drivers in the winter

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is penetrating our daily lives at an unprecedented pace and often without us being explicitly aware of it. One such area is monitoring the condition of our roads to optimize their winter maintenance processes. In the lecture we will briefly get acquainted with how we are doing in this area in Slovak conditions.

  • Small-large monitoring of environment by IoT methods

    The Internet of things (IoT), like a number of connected smaller sensor devices, has been extending into new areas over the past few years. Environmental monitoring is one such field that SOFTEC is involved in as part of wider IoT activities. In a short presentation we will show the system and stations for air quality and noise monitoring. Due to its features, this system has the ambition to significantly improve the spatial availability of environmental quality data.

  • Does mGovernment have any future in Slovakia?
    The global smartphone market grows with incredible pace. Smartphones needed only one single year to surpass the sales of feature phones in the countries of Western Europe and USA. Number of applications which are available for smartphones is well in hundreds of thousands and counting but just a tiny fraction of them constitute applications created by government on various levels. mGovernment introduces a new trend of communication of the government with citizens. As a perspective extension of eGovernment, it yields a number of benefits but also its own problems and questions which are yet to be answered. Apart from this we will also show some of the successful implementations of mGovernment in the world and we will try to assess whether Slovakia could be part of them.
  • IS MCS Information System of Roadmap Model
    ArcGEO ArcGEO Information Systems spol. s r.o. and Softec, spol. s r.o partnership has developed modern information system of Roadmap Model (IS MCS) for support of activities in roads management for Slovak Road Administration (SSC). System supports terrain data collection processes either in form of direct enter into system or in form of batch processing of data from gauging devices. Maintanance of reference network of Slovak roads is one part of IS MCS. Specific processes of particular SSC departments support various moduls such as management of pavements or transport of oversized cargo. Various summaries and statistics are generated by publication moduls. Road managers report changes in transport network through the system into central technical evidence. Implementation of IS MCS has significantly streamlined SSC processes as well as processes delegated to local road managers..
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