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Peter Lednický

Penta Hospitals International, General Director
is the CEO of the international holding Penta Hospitals International. The largest private health care provider in Central Europe operates in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. In the past, he held the position of CEO of Unilabs Slovakia. 25 years ago, he was at the birth of Alpha medical, which gradually under his leadership became the largest laboratory network in Central and Eastern Europe and in 2017 became part of the international Unilabs network based in Switzerland.
  • DISUSSION "Will 2025 be a breakthrough for the Slovak healthcare industry?"
  • Discussion "New organisation of healthcare in Slovakia"
  • ITAPA OPEN TALK: When will we live to be 200 years old?
  • ITAPA Open talk: How to optimize healthcare?
  • Laboratory diagnostics is the key to effective treatment of (and) healthcare
    Good and modern diagnostics enable effective, targeted and accurate treatment, but ultimately help reduce costs. In addition to the diagnosis itself, however, the delivery of the result and the management of the sample itself are also crucial. Where is the bottleneck in Slovakia?
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