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Radoslav Repa

expert on digital transformation
Radoslav Repa started his professional career as a civil servant in the Government Office of the Slovak Republic where he later worked as a Director of the Department for Electronic and Network Services, mostly focusing on network management of the governmental Govnet network and the Central Digital Portal of Public Administration providing electronic services for citizens and businesses, which he helped to launch in 2006. Then he served in the Foreign Ministry as a consultant for corporate IT systems development and ICT structural funds manager.

From early 2009 he worked in the Slovak Permanent Representation in Brussels as a digital and cyber attaché, advocating the national interests and negotiating the agreed positions on strategies and legislation with the EU representatives and other Member States. During the Slovak Presidency in the Council he chaired two working groups, one on telecommunications and information society and second on cyber issues. He also succeeded in adopting a strong mandate for the newly created Council´s cyber group focusing on all horizontal perspectives including legislation. Among other things, Radoslav Repa can share his expertise in industrial property and state aid policies. During the intensive Slovak diplomacy year of 2019 he was in charge of preparations and successful run of the OECD´s Presidency in the Ministerial Council Meeting, for the digital dossiers of the Slovak OSCE Presidency and for a regional Visegrad4 Presidency in digital domain as well. 

Radoslav Repa worked later at the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic as the General Director of the Digital Agenda Section focused mainly on European digital issues and new technological trends. In addition to the implementation of European strategic initiatives focused on the digital future of Europe, or the Strategy of Digital Transformation of Slovakia until 2030, its action plan, he  participated in the preparation of the new programming period 2021-2027 as well as the Recovery Plan for connectivity, digital skills and digital economy. He finalized the National Broadband Plan and worked to better integrate the DESI index into national policies. He is currently working on cyber security.
  • Opening speech   |   Medzinárodný kongres ITAPA 2021: Ako sa stať najlepším?
  • Chairman speech   |   Jarná ITAPA 2021
  • Discussion   |   Medzinárodný kongres ITAPA 2020
    Discussion of invited guests:
    Andrej Doležal, Minister of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic
    Peter Čapkovič, Orange
    Milan Ištván, PPP
    Rafal Jaczyński, Huawei
    Ivan Marták, Office for the Regulation of Electronic Communications and Postal Services
    Peter Šebo, PS:Digital
    Radoslav Repa, MIRRI

  • National plan of broadband access and broadband goals of Slovakia   |   Medzinárodný kongres ITAPA 2020
  • Annual Round Table   |   Medzinárodný kongres ITAPA 2019

    The presentation offers a complex view of the cohesion policy after 2021. In this contribution, you will learn more about the negotiations of the MFF, what kind of simplifications you may expect and what are the upcoming events in the negotiations. You will learn about the objectives and priorities of the European Commission and the possibilities for cumulative funding.

  • Introductory speech   |   Medzinárodný kongres ITAPA 2019
  • Financing IT in future   |   Medzinárodný kongres ITAPA 2019

    Digital projects in a different light or what is the future of public investment in the ICT industry in Slovakia after 2021? It is clear that support for investment from EU funds under shared management has a declining tendency. On the other hand, the EU also offers other opportunities to finance the IT industry and digital transformation projects through the so-called directly-managed programs. As an example could be served the Digital Europe Program, which supports the strengthening of Europe's capacity in high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and advanced digital skills, or the Connecting Europe Facility 2021-2027, which promotes investment in transport, energy and digital infrastructure.

  • Introductory speech of chairman   |   Jarná ITAPA 2019
  • DISCUSSION: Round table   |   Jarná ITAPA 2019
  • Digital transformation of Slovakia   |   Jarná ITAPA 2019

    The presentation will follow the opening speech of the Deputy Prime Minister for Investments and Informatization and will focus on key aspects and priority activities / topics of the Government of the Slovak Republic approved 7 May 2019. Strategies for Digital Transformation of Slovakia 2030 is a supra-governmental government strategy that defines policy and specifically Slovakia in the context of the ongoing digital transformation of the economy and society under the influence of innovative technologies and global megatrends of the digital era.

    The strategy covers the period from 2019 to 2030 and was created in the framework of the ongoing and partially managed digitization processes and the Digital Single Market agenda of the European Union, as well as in the context of global digital transformation priorities. The strategy puts emphasis on current innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, 5G technology, big data and analytical data processing, blockchain and supercomputers that will become the new engine of economic growth and competitiveness.

    The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Investment and Informatization as the central state administration body for the area of informatization of society, including the creation of single digital market policies, is the main coordinator of this strategy and is responsible for its implementation in coordination and cooperation with other central state administration offices.

    The topic of digital transformation of Slovakia will continue with the discussion panel Digital Transformation of Slovakia, where a number of top Slovak experts will discuss specific areas / individual priorities of the implementation of the presented strategy.

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