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Robert Redhammer

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Chancellor
Since 2011 Robert Redhammer is a Chancellor of Slovak Technical University (STU) in Bratislava. Before the took the role, he was a Vice-chancellor for science and research (since 20013) and a Vice-dean of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of Slovak Technical University for science, research and information technology (since 1997).

He finished studies at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of Slovak Technical University in 1988, in the field of microelectronics. He spent one year internship at University of York, Great Britain. He received his PhD in 1993, habilitated in electronics in 1995 and was inaugurated as a Professor of Electronics in 2010.

Robert Redhammer was involved in birth of University Business Incubator of STU that already supported more than 50 innovative projects, in development of the concept of University Science Park, development of university campus and many other university projects. Under his leadership, the university approved Strategic Development Plan for 2012 – 2017 that involves large-scale revitalization of STU infrastructure.

He was a member of APVV board, member of various ministerial advisory bodies, he is a member of Science, Technology and Innovation Council of the Slovak Republic, chairman of Slovak Vacuum Society, etc. He contributed to the Action Plan of the Slovak Republic for Science, Research and Innovation of national Lisbon strategy, National Strategic Reference Framework for EU Structural Funds 2007-2013 for Research, Innovation, and Human resources as well as to the strategic programme “Through Knowledge to Prosperity” RIS3 SK for 2014 – 2020 and other documents.

  • University education of IT specialists
    High demand for experts in information technologies pushes higher their compensation, including university lecturers. Tuition free university system means full coverages of expenses by governmental budget. But the current formula, according to which are public higher education institutions financed, does not reflect different level of demand at labour market in different particular fields, neither various quality of education and training at various schools. This creates direct capacity limits to high quality courses of informatics at level of schools. Industry utilising information technologies and computer based services are the most promising for Slovak republic in its effort for economy
    diversification. From strategy point of view this underpins future economy growth, therefore change of existing financing formula is required.
  • University education of IT specialists
    High demand for experts in information technologies pushes higher their compensation, including university lecturers. Tuition free university system means full coverages of expenses by governmental budget. But the current formula, according to which are public higher education institutions financed, does not reflect different level of demand at labour market in different particular fields, neither various quality of education and training at various schools. This creates direct capacity limits to high quality courses of informatics at level of schools. Industry utilising information technologies and computer based services are the most promising for Slovak republic in its effort for economy
    diversification. From strategy point of view this underpins future economy growth, therefore change of existing financing formula is required.
  • Digital minds: Informatics from the people to the people
    Digital minds: Informatics for the people from the people

    Bright heads | creativity | new solutions | technologies | options | higher productivity | accessibility | transparency | brain drain | preparation of specialists | good schools | quality teachers | congestion | threatens to collapse? Murphy | together | people | people + people.
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