Slávka Reichelt Šikurová
Slávka Šikurová is the founder and CEO of Predu, an innovative software company focused on the use of artificial intelligence in communications and operational activities of companies, automation of communication and processes and software development.
Slávka has more than 18 years of experience in various positions in IT, retail and services. She graduated in management from Comenius University and spent most of her working life in Microsoft partner companies in leading sales and technical positions in the Czech and Slovak markets. She expanded her experience by taking on some demanding management positions in large retail chain companies - both private and public. Such experiences have given Slávka a unique understanding of the value of information technology and its impact on customer relationships and have advanced her professional focus.
Artificial intelligence in education - fast and efficient support for data collection (12:47 - 12:57)
We will present how the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic has introduced an AI-based chatbot to simplify and speed up data collection on pupils and teachers in schools to allocate funding.
In a period of annual data collection involving thousands of schools, there is a lot of pressure on the Ministry's staff, who have to deal with many queries and confusion from school representatives. The AI-based solution has enabled instant and 24/7 responses to the most common data recording and completion questions, relieving the Ministry of many phone and email queries. Daily, the AI answered 1,500-2,000 questions from school representatives. In addition, the chatbot also allowed users to send more complex queries directly to the Ministry's methodologists via the ticketing system. This digital tool simplified and streamlined communication, reduced the administrative burden and increased the fluidity of the data collection process. This pilot project has demonstrated the benefits of an AI solution for the Ministry, and we believe that it will continue to aid data collection in the future with a more widespread scope.