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Vanda Benešová

FIIT STU, professor of applied informatics
Vanda Benešová (publishing pseudonym: Wanda Benesova) is a professor of applied informatics specializing in computer vision. She has gained significant professional experience at Montanuniversität Leoben and, most notably, at the Joanneum Research in Graz, where she worked for an extended period. Currently, she is employed at the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies at the Slovak University of Technology (FIIT STU), where she focuses on research in medical imaging.
  • Current trends in computer vision and artificial intelligence in radiology and digital pathology
    The presentation will present the research tasks and related challenges that are currently relevant in the field of digital pathology and radiology, while the emphasis will be placed on the application of modern methods of computer vision and artificial intelligence. At the same time, specific examples of interdisciplinary cooperation between experts in the field of information technology and medicine will be presented.
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