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Bronislava Žabková


Bronislava Žabková

Vysokú školu vyštudovala v Žiline na Žilinskej univerzite, Fakulte prevádzky a ekonomiky dopravy a spojov.

Po skončení vysokoškolského štúdia nastúpila na Ministerstvo hospodárstva SR, kde v rokoch 2003 - 2005 pôsobila ako hlavný štátny radca odboru podnikateľského prostredia na sekcii podnikania a cestovného ruchu.

Od roku 2006 pôsobí ako vedúca oddelenia malého a stredného podnikania a lepšej regulácie na sekcii stratégie, kde úzko spolupracuje s Európskou komisiou a medzinárodnými organizáciami OECD a UNIDO.

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  • Akčný program znižovania administratívneho zaťaženia podnikania v Slovenskej republike 2007 - 2012

    Better regulation is the key assumption for economic growth, competitiveness of companies and their potential to create new jobs. One of the main aspects of better regulation consists in reduction of administrative burden which the business entities must bear.

    The European Council on the session in Brussels (8th – 9th March, 2007) introduced the Action Plan of the European Commission for Reducing Administrative Burdens (as an adequate tool of policy aimed at strengthening of competitiveness and support of sustainable growth and employment growth) in order to reduce administrative burden in the European Union till 2012 by 25 %. Concurrently, it invited member states to set their own ambitious national plans till 2008 and join the systematic effort concerning elimination of unjustified administrative costs which affect business entities.

    On 3rd October, 2007 the Slovak Republic Government approved the material “Agenda of Better Regulation in the Slovak Republic and Action Programme of Reducing Administrative Burden of Entrepreneurship in the Slovak Republic 2007 – 2012“.

    The Action Plan described in detail in the second part of the material shall

    • institutionalize the model for management, coordination, and fulfilment of the agenda of better regulation and fulfilment of the Action Plan on the level of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and the Deputy Chairman of the Slovak Republic Government - November 2007
    • prepare the national methodology of measurement of administrative burden - November 2007
    • create legislative basis (a list) which shall be quantified in term of administrative burden - January 2008
    • implement basic measurement of administrative burden in the Slovak Republic according to individual central bodies of state administration - December 2008
    • prepare the proposal of measures for securing further reduction of administrative burden and implementation of ex ante measurement within preparation of regulations on all levels of the public administration - 2009
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