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Edan Puritt

Director of a Government group implementing electronic document management
As an independent consultant since 1985, I have amassed a wealth of diverse experience, providing services across three broad categories: Technical, Organizational, and  Educational. From 1985 through 1991, I provided these services to Canadian government departments, as well as to a variety of non-governmental organizations (NGO's) working in Canada and abroad (Southern Africa, South West Asia, and the Middle East). From  1991 through 1994, I lived in South Africa, and continued to provide similar services to  clients in government, trade unions, and NGO's. From 1994 to the present, I have once again been based in Canada, however, the focus has shifted to developing enterprise solutions (SAP and document management).  With this experience, and with an impressive history of client satisfaction, my goal is to work on results' oriented projects that simultaneously offer challenges in my three areas of interest.



Director of a Government group implementing electronic document management
•    information management policy
•    security policy
•    records management policy
•    project team management
•    consultant team management
•    change management strategy
•    budgeting, contracting
•    training strategy
•    communications strategy
•    project scoping and scaling

Decision-Making Structures (formal education at University of Toronto, Carleton

Management consulting and project management (15 years)
•    Strategic analysis and advice (aid administration and delivery for donors, facilitating
•    groups (NGO's) and community-based organizations in the field)
•    Assistance in day to day operations
•    Mapping business processes (incl. procedures manuals)


•    Certified in Project Management (ASAP v. 4.0 B)
•    Certified in Sales and Distribution Module (SD v. 4.0B, SD v. 4.6 delta)

Project Manager of an SAP installation and implementation
•    project team management
•    consultant team management
•    budgeting
•    end-user training
•    project management skills transfer to ensure organizational self-sufficiency
•    design and implementation of change management

Technology Advisor
•    conducting needs analyses
•    procurement
•    installation
•    wiring
•    cost/benefit analyses
•    design and implementation of training
•    Secure Remote Access analyses

Determining availability of appropriate equipment and human resources


Computer hardware/software (course selection, scheduling, and delivery)
•    needs analysis
•    hardware installation and maintenance
•    trainer and end-user training in various software packages and applications

•    Proposal writing
•    Reports production
•    Information maintenance
•    Decision-making and organizational structures

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