Michał Halagiera
Michal has nearly 20 years of experience in the sale of technological solutions and strategic IT consulting. At the head of the business development department, Michał Halagiera, in the role of Chief Growth Officer, is responsible for the work of the team implementing the company's development strategy by providing innovative solutions and services tailored to the client’s business needs in cooperation with external partners of Billennium. Previously, he worked at Microsoft Polska, where he supported enterprises and public administration units in carrying out digital transformation, an example of which is the "Your e-PIT" solution, which significantly simplifies the method of settling personal income tax. He also gained professional experience at Hewlett Packard Enterprise Polska and VMware.
Prihláste sa na ITAPA Health&Care 2025
Príklady digitálnej transformácie fiškálneho ekosystému v Poľsku
We will share how Microsoft with partner company Billennium has helped Polish Ministry of Finance to drive digital transformation at Polish Fiscal Ecosystem on the example of projects like single audit file for tax, monitoring of transport of sensitive goods and “Twój ePIT” a solution with pre-populated data for filling tax returns. We will touch on benefits and interesting architectural aspects of those projects.