Peter Kompalla
Works in the area management consulting, trade shows, marketing strategy, public relations, strategic planning, research and project management.
2021 - present
- Representative of the Free State of Bavaria in Slovakia as a Representative Office of the Free State of Bavaria in Slovakia
2018 - present
- AHK Slowakei (German-Slovak Chamber of Commerce) as a Executive Director
We strongly believe in upholding our mission to serve as a working platform for the German-Slovak business community and promote German and Slovak companies, products and services. For more than 15 years, we have supported German and Slovak individuals and companies to become successful in both markets. We solve your problems and provide strategic guidance; we get you connected and represent your interests and we build bridges between Slovakia and Germany for one purpose: The prosperity of both countries – “Wohlstand für alle”.
2019 - present
- Deutsche Schule Bratislava Graphic as a Board Member
2015 - 2018
- German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. (GPCCI / AHK Philippinen) as a Executive Director
2012 - 2014
- AHK Vietnam - German Industry and Commerce in Vietnam Graphic as a Deputy Chief Representative
2009 - 2012
- IHK Nürnberg für Mittelfranken Graphic as a Deputy Head of Department of International Affairs
2021 - present
- Representative of the Free State of Bavaria in Slovakia as a Representative Office of the Free State of Bavaria in Slovakia
2018 - present
- AHK Slowakei (German-Slovak Chamber of Commerce) as a Executive Director
We strongly believe in upholding our mission to serve as a working platform for the German-Slovak business community and promote German and Slovak companies, products and services. For more than 15 years, we have supported German and Slovak individuals and companies to become successful in both markets. We solve your problems and provide strategic guidance; we get you connected and represent your interests and we build bridges between Slovakia and Germany for one purpose: The prosperity of both countries – “Wohlstand für alle”.
2019 - present
- Deutsche Schule Bratislava Graphic as a Board Member
2015 - 2018
- German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. (GPCCI / AHK Philippinen) as a Executive Director
2012 - 2014
- AHK Vietnam - German Industry and Commerce in Vietnam Graphic as a Deputy Chief Representative
2009 - 2012
- IHK Nürnberg für Mittelfranken Graphic as a Deputy Head of Department of International Affairs
Prihláste sa na ITAPA Health&Care 2025
Predstavenie nadnárodných projektov
Peter Kompalla, Slovensko-nemecká obchodná a priemyselná komora
Miroslav Kot, Francúzsko-slovenská obchodná komora
Alan Voldrich, Wallonia Export & Investment Agency