V4 ITAPA Award

ITAPA in cooperation with its V4 partners announces for the first time the V4 ITAPA Award for the best smart city and innovative services for citizens and businesses projects in the Visegrad countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia).
Did you prepared a project in the field of digitization, especially focused on smart cities and innovative services for citizens and businesses? Has your solution significant societal impact and deserves greater visibility and appreciation?ITAPA in its 16th year brings to you a new feature - V4 ITAPA Award.
The aim of this Award is to highlight the best and most innovative projects in the V4 countries that deserve recognition and can be a good inspiration for others. The aim is also to foster knowledge sharing and cooperation among the Visegrad countries.
Apply can all large or small digitization projects that target the citizen, as well as projects that use IT to support the development of smart cities and to create new inspirational services and ideas for society.
Statutes of V4 ITAPA Award find here.
APPLICATION FORM should be sent at itapa@itapa.sk.
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