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Workshop: Digital Single Market in V4

We invite you to attend Workshop DSM in V4 that will focus on development of a networking platform in the field of strengthening public procurement data dissemination among SMEs.

We invite you to attend Workshop DSM in V4 that will focus on development of a networking platform in the field of strengthening public procurement data dissemination among SMEs.

It is for participants that have general knowledge of the public procurement process and that would be able to map the public procurement information sources in their respective countries.

SITAPA is piloting a SW platform that focuses on providing complex information on public procurement mainly for SMEs as well as other businesses in order to better develop their business opportunities with the public sector on one side and in order to strengthen the market competition and thus provide better and cheaper goods and services to the public sector on the other side.

The platform processes publically available data regarding public tenders and public procurement (calls for tenders, terms of references, bidding outcome results, signed contracts, etc.) and provides information to its users in a more structured and comprehensible manner, using automanted data processing, business analytics and notification tools. These tools increase the capacity of SMEs to compete in public tenders as they make it much more easier to process and make use of complex public procurement data that are publically available.

Via the Workshop DSM in V4 we would like to further develop this and more similar platforms and broaden the network of our partners in this domain in the V4 region and broaden the scope of processed publlic procurement data to the V4 region.


Where: Hotel Crowne Plaza, Bratislava
When: 14th November 2017, 15:15 – 17:00
Workshop DSM in V4 is one of the events related to Digital Single Market in V4 project, supported by Visegrad International Fund


For more information, please, contact us at or 0948 306 893

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