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Program - ITAPA 2021 International Congress: How to become the best?

Registration of participants, morning coffee
Plenárka 1
8:30 - 10:30 Next generation EU - Next generation Slovakia
Make it Green / Make it Digital / Make it Healthy / Make it Strong / Make it Equal  
Will the European Union survive? Will it stay in competition with other global powers? Will Europe remain the best place to live? Will the current Recovery Plan for Europe provide us with the much-promised sustainability, a healthy environment, or an educated and healthy generation?
We will talk about what the next generation Europe will be like, what its main pillars are and what they will mean for the Member States and for us.

Norbert Kurilla, Environmental diplomat and economist
Opening speech
Vladimír Lengvarský , Ex-Minister of Health SR
Opening speeches
Vladimír Šucha, Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia
Fair and resilient Europe and Slovakia in it
Michaela Kršková, Government Office of the SR
Jozef Masarik, Comenius University Bratislava
Svetlana Síthová, state secretary, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport SR
Pavol Šajgalík, Slovak Academy Of Science
Vladimír Šucha, Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia
DISCUSSION: In what country do we want our children to live?
Plenárka 2
11:00 - 12:30 Slovakia as an innovative power
Innovation is a major tool for economic growth. Not oil, not gold, not soil, but innovation. Without innovation, countries end up in the trap of a middle income, becoming eternal assembly workshops. Innovation, on the other hand, opens the door to a truly advanced economy with strong research and its own high-tech segment. The bad news for Slovakia is that we are one of the worst in innovation in the EU, far worse than, for example, the Czech Republic. The good news, however, is that other countries, which have been in much more difficult conditions, have managed to become innovative powers. So why wouldn't Slovakia be able to do it as well?

Alena Kuišová, ITAPA
Opening speech
Ján Uriga, strategist
Why visions fail
Gustav Kalbe, DG Connect C “Digital Excellence and Science Infrastructure"
HPC and quantum technologies as drivers of innovation and the digital transition
Martina Antošová, Martin University Hospital
Innovation and Healthcare 5.0
Sekcie poobede
13:30 - 15:00 Industry transformation
How to get the industry to a higher level of digitization, but also open it to innovation and the dynamics of the country. Slovakia is a country built on industry, but people still do not have the necessary skills. How can we transform our industry in this context?
Miroslava Aleksieva,
Opening speech
Emil Fitoš, IT Association of Slovakia
Emil Fitoš, IT Association of Slovakia
Martin Kele, Matador
13:30 - 15:00 Modern regional education - needs, trends, innovations
Regional education is the cornerstone of a country's quality education system. The complex ecosystem of schools and school facilities deserves an increased level of attention from the state and the need for its modernization is essential. The global pandemic pointed to the unpreparedness of setting up the system and the burden of responsibility remained on teachers and school staff. What are today's needs in regional education? How do teachers themselves see his future? What technologies are used by developed countries today to increase the quality of the educational process? What innovations do we plan to introduce into education and what are the trends in education and learning? This and much more will be a discussion on the topic of Modern Regional Education - needs, trends, innovations.
Roman Bomboš,
Opening speech
Martin Minárik , NEXINEO
Welcome to the teachings of the future
Alena Kanabová, Accenture Advanced Technology Center in Central Europe
Program of digital competencies coordinators
Colin Cui Yu, Huawei Technologies
Digital education - Bridging the future digital divide
Mário Lelovský, ITAS
Svetlana Síthová, state secretary, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport SR
Peter Pallo, teacher of the year 2020
13:30 - 15:00 Healthcare reform
Healthcare has to be reformed. Important part of the reform is the concept of Value Based Healthcare (VBHC). It has, in principle, three basic objectives: to improve healthcare for the patient and, in fact, his perception and experience of the care itself, to improve the health of the population and to reduce the overall cost of healthcare per capita. There is no better time to discuss this concept than at the present time, when we are launching a key health care reform in Slovakia. Is VBHC a suitable tool or way and what can it offer to our healthcare system?
Róbert Babeľa, Ministry of Health SR
Opening speech
Pavol Lepey , Roche Slovakia
Value Based Procurement in Healthcare
Peter Balco, ATOS IT Solution and Services
As the digital hospital is born, blueprint is at the beginning
Peter Ferjančík, Ministry of Health SR
Martin Kultan, DÔVERA health insurance company
Marian Šóth, Asociácia súkromných lekárov SR
Sekcie poobede 2
15:30 - 17:00 Why do we need supercomputers?
Are supercomputers and high-performance computing (HPC) essential for enabling advancement and innovations? Where are they indispensable even now? Who can use them and how? Join the discussion with Slovak experts about the HPC ecosystem in Slovakia, plans for the future and whether we are ready for the next generation of exascale supercomputers.
Michal Číž, Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic
Opening speech
Lukáš Demovič, Slovak Academy Of Science
How is Slovakia doing with supercomputing?
Mária Bieliková, Kempelenov inštitút inteligentných technológií
Who can afford artificial intelligence today?
Jozef Vivoda, Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute
HPC and numerical weather forecast in Slovakia
Luboš Kolář, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise
The supercomputer is not just about computing power
15:30 - 17:00 Cyber security staff can also be trained using modern methods
The discussion panel will focus on state-of-the-art ideas on how to specialize, improve and, most importantly, attract employees' attention to information security training.
Matej Šalmík, National Security Authority SK-CERT
Opening speech
Marian Klačo, Volkswagen Slovakia
Diana Legdanová, Security Governance expert
Jozef Úroda, Tatra banka
Tomáš Zaťko , Citadelo
15:30 - 17:00 Data as a medicine for healthcare
Data can work wonders in every area of life. Data has become a key topic over the last two decades, mainly due to the potential they hold. Various public and private organizations create, collect and analyze data to improve the quality of their services. Data for the healthcare sector represent the same benefit. Is the Slovak healthcare system ready for the "data-driven" era, are we able to collect data and evaluate it effectively? What trends does Slovakia follow and should it follow? Is the state preparing any legislative changes or projects in this area? All of these issues will be discussed in the panel Data as a medicine for healthcare.
Alena Kuišová, ITAPA
Opening speech
Martin Fojtik, Dôvera, health insurance company
Data-driven Dôvera
Jozef Benčík, SAS Slovakia
The value of data in healthcare
Milan Andrejkovič, Data Expert
Peter Lukáč, NCZI
Lukáš Palaj, Ministry of Health SR
Martin Smatana, analytik
Róbert Suja, consultant
Petra Zappe, AmCham
Open Talk 2
18:00 - 19:30 ITAPA OPEN TALK: How to make Slovakia an innovative superpower
Are there any ideas in Slovakia that are in some way the best in the world? Are there any ideas with the potential to break into the global market? Do we have an environment and institutions that help and motivate this? What are the main obstacles and, in particular, what should we do to make Slovakia an innovative superpower?
Juraj Porubský, FORBES
Opening speech
Emil Fitoš, IT Association of Slovakia
Martin Kanovský, Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu SR
Andrej Krupa, Simplicity
Peter Lukeš, businessman and investor
Ivan Mikloš, ex-Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Slovak Republic
Dušan Velič, Ministry of investments, regional development and informatization SR
End of the 2nd day