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Program - Spring ITAPA 2024

A chance for a modern country
9:00 - 9:20 A chance for a modern country (hall LONDON I+II) INTERPRETED
Marta Jančkárová, moderator
Milan Dubec, Entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist
1on1 interview
sekcia 1
9:25 - 9:50 Innovation, research and business in Australia (hall LONDON I+II) INTERPRETED
Research, innovation and education can change the world and the future. What are the main drivers of innovation? How can an inspiring ecosystem improve innovation?
Marta Jančkárová, moderator
James Arvanitakis, Forrest Research Foundation
9:25 - 10:10 AI in healthcare: the future of medicine? (hall ROME) INTERPRETED
Artificial intelligence in healthcare represents a revolutionary change that promises significant innovations in patient treatment and the transformation of the future of medicine. AI can analyze large volumes of medical data, leading to faster and more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatments. However, with the increasing use of AI in medicine, new challenges in cybersecurity also arise. In this dynamic field, it is essential to ensure that AI solutions are not only effective but also secure, which is a key factor for the future trust and success of AI technologies in healthcare.
Start-up nation Israel
9:50 - 10:15 Start-up nation Israel (hall LONDON I+II) INTERPRETED
Marta Jančkárová, moderator
Alex Lyhovez, Tech entrepreneur & global business development expert
Innovation as a catalyst for growth
sekcia 2
10:15 - 10:45 Research and development support (hall LONDON I+II) INTERPRETED
How can Slovakia effectively participate in international cooperation? How can the state improve the innovation ecosystem? How to effectively use the available resources for this?
Marta Jančkárová, moderator
Zuzana Letková, The Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic
Róbert Zsembera, The Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic
Discussion "Research and development support"
10:10 - 11:05 AI assisted oncology patient journey (hall ROME) INTERPRETED
What role does artificial intelligence play in the patient journey in modern medicine? Artificial intelligence applied in medical practice can be an effective assistant to the doctor. Radiodiagnostics is one of the most fertile fields for the application of AI in oncology. AI can count small details and deviations and raise suspicions where the human eye cannot. Today, oncology is moving towards tumor diagnosis at the gene level, and AI can be a key tool to improve diagnosis. Can AI already evaluate genomic analysis and determine genetic disease mutations?

Partner of the panel is Roche Information Solutions 

Eva Sládková, moderator
Thomas Göhl, Roche Diagnostics Deutschland
AI & ChatGPT - what lies ahead in medicine?
Jana Bendová, doctor and expert
Branislav Bystrický, Trenčín Faculty Hospital
Štefan Korec, Onco Alliance Slovakia
DISCUSSION "AI assisted cancer patient journey"
Networking break / 11:05 - 11:20 Break for AI topics
Section 2.1
11:10 - 12:00 Mission Health (hall LONDON I+II) INTERPRETED
The aim of the mission is to find solutions for the biggest challenges in the field of oncology, cardiology and neurology. Society-wide change can only be achieved by effective coordination of research and innovation resources, resource mobilization and linking of activities between different experts and areas in order to make the most of the potential of the Slovak healthcare system. The mission must connect researchers, innovators, companies and public institutions. How will the management of the patient's journey be handled in individual areas of the mission? How is the financing set up and what key steps need to be taken in the Health Mission in the near future?
Šimon Jeseňák, moderator
Vladimír Baláž, Faculty hospital of F. D. Roosevelt Banská Bystrica
Allan Böhm, Premedix Academy
Pavol Martanovič, Social Insurance Company
Matej Škorvánek, Neurological Clinic, Faculty of Medicine, University of Pavel Jozef Šafárik and Louis Pasteur University Hospital in Košice
Petra Zappe, Research and innovation authority
DISCUSSION "Mission Health"
11:20 - 12:05 AI regulation (hall ROME) INTERPRETED
The Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) is the first draft legal framework in the world that regulates the specific use of artificial intelligence. But why does the EU, which lags behind in the development and application of AI, come up with this? Is this a desperate attempt to give a legal framework to something that has long since escaped and is unstoppable? Or is it a step that other economies will follow?
Lucia Kondáš, moderator
Michal Číž, SAPIE
Tomáš Jucha, AmCham
Matúš Mesarčík, KINIT
Juraj Čorba , Ministry of investments, regional development and informatization of the Slovak Republic
DISCUSSION "Regulation of AI"
Sekcia 3
12:00 - 12:45 Neurology: Migraine is not just a "regular" headache (hall LONDON I+II) INTERPRETED
Migraine is probably the most underestimated serious disease. Migraine is one of the most common neurological diseases and represents a severe risk factor for myocardial infarction. What are the health, social, and economic aspects of migraine? 
Eva Sládková, moderator
Antonio Della Croce, AbbVie Czechia & Slovakia
Ján Kyselovič, Faculty of Medicine UK Bratislava
Peter Valkovič, Faculty of Medicine of the Comenius University in Bratislava and the University Hospital in Bratislava
DISCUSSION "Neurology: Migraine is not just a "regular" headache"
12:05 - 13:05 How the industrial firm is changing under the influence of AI (hall ROME) INTERPRETED
The panel focuses on how artificial intelligence can transform industrial companies with an emphasis on increasing efficiency and competitiveness. What are the new approaches and challenges in this area, aiming to understand how the industrial sector can adapt to the AI era?
Lucia Kondáš, moderator
Peter Bilík, Smart Industry Solution Designer
Miloslava Gábrišová, Energotel
Michal Géci, SEPS
Marek Šebo, AI Solutions Designer
DISCUSSION "How an industrial company changes under the influence of AI"
Sekcia 4
12:45 - 13:25 Acceleration of innovations in healthcare (hall LONDON I+II) INTERPRETED
What is the implementation of innovative technologies in the healthcare sector in Brimingham? How can the Slovak health sector be inspired by the example from abroad?  How to speed up the whole process of introducing new technologies to the market? A discussion between two experts from the UK and Israel on accelerating innovation in healthcare. How does this concept contribute to a more efficient transformation of healthcare from concept to actual implementation?
Šimon Jeseňák, moderator
Liam Grover, Healthcare Technologies Institute & West Midlands Health Tech Innovation Accelerator
What are the challenges and opportunities in introducing new technologies to the market for modern healthcare?
Liam Grover, Healthcare Technologies Institute & West Midlands Health Tech Innovation Accelerator
Adam Grey, HealthHub
DISCUSSION "Acceleration of innovations in healthcare"
Section 5
14:30 - 15:10 How much does a sick population cost the state? (hall LONDON I+II) INTERPRETED
A new methodology was created to calculate the fiscal impact of diseases. Thanks to it, the state will be able to accurately calculate the financial impact caused by individual diseases on the economy. Thanks to this, the state will be able to better target its policies and measures in the area of ​​population health management in order to minimize the negative effects of diseases.
Šimon Jeseňák, moderator
Róbert Babeľa, Slovak Medical University
Fiscal consequences of Disease
Róbert Babeľa, Slovak Medical University in Bratislava
Danica Bognárová, Social Insurance Agency
Adam Marek, Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic
Matej Mišík, Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic
DISCUSSION "How much does a sick population cost the state?"
14:00 - 14:40 Human resources for a modern country (hall ROME)
Lucia Kondáš, moderator
Gustáv Budinský, Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic
Marek Greško, TITANS freelancers
Viktória Skřivánková, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, VAIA
Marcel Vysocký, Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic
DISCUSSION "Human resources for a modern country"
Section 6
15:10 - 15:55 The future of the use of genomics in preventive and personalized medicine (hall LONDON I+II) INTERPRETED
What would a successful strategy for the use of genomics look like, leading to more efficient and personalised healthcare for all citizens of our country? Will genome analysis be one of the cornerstones of so-called personalised medicine? Genomics should be a much more integrated part of healthcare provision, not just in really special cases. Why is Slovakia not involved in the European initiative '1+ million European genomes'? How important is it in the prevention of various diseases and how do we compare with the Czech Republic? An important prerequisite for the development of personalised medicine based on genomics is also the setting up of proper and more continuous funding for this area and for scientific projects. 
Šimon Jeseňák, moderator
Regína Lohajová Behulová, Oncological Institute of St. Elizabeth
Eva Kriegová, University Hospital Olomouc
Ján Radvánszky, Comenius University in Bratislava, Biomedical Centre of the Academy of Sciences
Tomáš Szemes, Comenius University in Bratislava, Science Park
DISCUSSION "The future of the use of genomics in preventive and personalized medicine"
14:40 - 15:25 An innovative approach to ESG (hall ROME)
Responsible business in terms of environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects. The speakers will pay attention to the latest trends, initiatives and examples of best practices in the field of ESG, with an emphasis on their implementation in the business environment. How important are ESG aspects for sustainable business and social responsibility.
Lucia Kondáš, moderátor
Martin Púček, CRIF – Slovak Credit Bureau
ESG certification and reporting
Marek Antoňák, AfB Slovakia
Martin Púček, CRIF
Daniel Rabina, ESG CLUB
Discussion "An innovative approach to ESG"
Networking break
Section 7
16:15 - 17:05 Mental health of young people in the age of digitization (hall LONDON I+II)
In what way is it necessary to start addressing the quality of the mental health of the young population today? What tools and possibilities does the state have in its hands and what measures need to be implemented so that we do not push the problem of the mental health of young people in front of us until they are economically active when this problem will have not only social but also economic impacts.
Eva Sládková, moderátor
Róbert Babeľa, Slovak Medical University in Bratislava
Ľubomíra Izáková, Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava of Comenius University
Barbora Maliarová, Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic
Andrej Vršanský, League for Mental Health
DISCUSSION "Mental health of young people in the age of digitization"
sekcia 8
17:05 - 17:50 ITAPA OPEN TALK: Regenerative medicine - the future of treatment and tissue restoration (hall LONDON I+II)
Exploring the potential of regenerative medicine in the context of tissue treatment and regeneration. Discussion of new therapeutic approaches and technologies that enable regeneration of damaged tissues and organ replacement. What are the challenges and possibilities of using regenerative medicine in clinical practice and research? The aim of the discussion is to provide a broader view of the current trends and future perspectives of this innovative field of medicine.
Peter Musil, moderator
Martin Boháč, Slovak Society for Regenerative Medicine
Andrej Thurzo, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Slovak Society for Regenerative Medicine
Radoslav Zamborský, Orthopaedic Clinic of Comenius University Faculty of Medicine and National Institute of Childhood Diseases
A glass of wine

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