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Program - Autumn ITAPA 2024

ITAPA Health&Care
ITAPA Health&Care
The first day of the Autumn ITAPA 2024 will focus on topics from the health sector.
Registration and morning coffee
úsek 1
9:00 - 9:25 Norway - the land of opportunities
The Norwegian healthcare sector is based on high-quality data. In addition to digitalization, Norway is also active in the areas of prevention, screening, medical technologies, and is a country open to clinical trial solutions. The country has several excellent universities and research institutions that are leaders in various areas of life sciences. Collaboration with these institutions provides us with new insights into the population's health and opens up new possibilities for addressing global challenges to improve it.
Šimon Jeseňák, moderator
Moderated by
Mária Dušinská, Norwegian Institute for Air Research Norway
1on1 interview
úsek 2
úsek 4
9:45 - 10:30 Health insurance companies under the microscope: the key to sustainable financing
How to stabilise and improve the financial management of health insurance companies? What is the key to sustainable financing? What does the programme decree say and how to effectively grasp programme budgeting and management of health insurance companies? How to alleviate budget tensions and rising health care costs? The pressure to increase payments and reimbursement claims only increases the tensions in the Slovak health sector. 
Šimon Jeseňák, moderator
Moderated by
Matúš Jurových, General Health Insurance Company
Martin Kultan, DÔVERA Health Insurance Company
Michal Palkovič, The Health Care Surveillance Authority
DISUSSION “Health insurance companies under the microscope: the key to sustainable financing“
úsek 5
10:30 - 10:40 Smart hospitals
Smart hospitals represent a concept that integrates modern technologies, digitalization, and automation to enhance the delivery of healthcare, efficiency, safety, and comfort for both patients and medical staff. Examples from other countries illustrate how hospitals can fully leverage the potential of digital solutions. A high degree of digitalization—including electronic health records, robotic surgical theaters, and AI-driven diagnostic systems—is essential for creating a modern smart hospital. In Slovakia, the main challenges include insufficient investment in technology and digitalization, as well as the need for training staff to work with modern systems. International examples demonstrate that the key lies not only in the implementation of technologies but also in the integration of smart solutions with existing processes and infrastructure.
Šimon Jeseňák, moderator
Moderated by
úsek 6
11:00 - 11:30 New trends in genomics and personalized medicine
The importance of genomics, its implementation in clinical practice, and specific case studies cannot be overstated. When will the National Genomic Project be established, and when will Slovakia become part of the Genome of Europe initiative? What are the new recommendations for the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic in the field of genomics? Personalized treatment and genomics must be more integrally incorporated into the provision of healthcare, not just in truly exceptional cases.
Eva Sládková, moderator
Moderated by
úsek 7
11:30 - 12:15 Improving migraine patient care
Eva Sládková, moderator
Moderated by
úsek 8
13:15 - 13:45 Slovakia in the EHDS – How Prepared Are We?
The goal of modern healthcare is to build a sustainable system based on data about the health and health status of the population. How is Slovakia preparing for the implementation of the European Health Data Space (EHDS)? The EHDS will enable the exchange of data across Europe, bringing improvements in health, legislation, research and innovation. A harmonised framework for health data will be a key enabler for personalised healthcare and improved patient health outcomes. 
Martin Smatana, moderator
Moderated by
úsek 9
13:45 - 14:15 Digital healthcare: where have we moved in e-ordering and e-lab?
Šimon Jeseňák, moderator
Moderated by
Katarína Dostálová, The Doctor
Marián Šóth, Asociácia súkromných lekárov SR
Dajana Petríková, Association of Health Insurance Companies of Slovakia
DISUSSION “Digital Health: Where have we progressed in e-appointments and e-labs?“
úsek 10
14:15 - 15:00 Innovative healthcare
Šimon Jeseňák, moderator
Moderated by
Mihaela Roxana Cimpan, University of Bergen
Bio and Nanomaterials in Healthcare
úsek 11
15:20 - 15:55 Patient safety, staff safety
The World Health Organization reports that approximately 1 in 10 patients are harmed during healthcare, and up to half of these harms can be prevented. When do errors most often occur? What are the main factors that influence this? One of them is the fatigue of the medical staff and the absence or incorrect use of digital innovations in practice.
Mirka Čikkelová, European Patient Safety Foundation
Zuzana Katreniaková, Institute of Social and Behavioral Medicine, University of Pavel Jozef Šafárik in Košice
Denisa Osinová, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Martin University Hospital
DISCUSSION “Patient safety, staff safety“
úsek 14
15:55 - 16:40 Thirty Years of Efforts to Reform Healthcare
How to Improve Slovak Healthcare in the Future, Whether in Terms of Financing, Political Decisions, or Organizational Issues? An analysis of the key topics that have shaped healthcare in Slovakia. What are the legislative barriers that have hindered reforms, and what factors contributed to the failure of many attempts at change? How can the system be reorganized to ensure more efficient use of resources in Slovak healthcare? What is the long-term impact of healthcare reform efforts, and what lessons have we learned from previous failures?
Šimon Jeseňák, moderator
Moderated by
Vladimír Baláž, Chairman of the Health Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic
Andrea Kalavská, Doctor and former Minister of Health of the Slovak Republic
Tomáš Szalay, National Council of the Slovak Republic
DISCUSSION “Thirty Years of Efforts to Reform Healthcare“
úsek 15
16:40 - 17:40 ITAPA OPEN TALK: Emergency medicine in combat conditions
What Challenges Do Healthcare Workers Face in Combat Zones and Areas with Limited Access to Medical Care? A realistic view of field situations with a focus on improving procedures and strategies within emergency medicine and providing effective assistance during critical moments. What are the experiences from missions in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Haiti? The discussion will also focus on the challenges faced by Ukrainian healthcare workers in the field and practical solutions for delivering emergency medical care in the context of the military conflict in Ukraine.
Šimon Jeseňák, moderator
Moderated by
Dušan Bráz, Doctor in Afghanistan and Iraq
Eva Kušíková, F.D. Roosevelt Teaching Hospital with Policlinic Banska Bystrica
Discussion "ITAPA OPEN TALK: Emergency medicine in combat conditions"
Cup of wine / Conclusion of the 1st day of the conference

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