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Jaroslav Kypr

Dr. MAX, operations manager of Dr. Max
In the past, he held the position of CFO in companies operating in the telecommunications and logistics sectors. He has several years of experience in management and project management on an international level, having worked not only in Europe but also in South and Southeast Asia. Since 2020, he has been part of Dr.Max Holding SK a.s., which operates the largest network of pharmacies in Slovakia. He served as CFO for two years and, since 2022, has held the position of COO. His main focus is on a modern, patient-oriented approach, transparency, and supporting innovation in the pharmaceutical sector. He is also the chairman of the Association of Chain Pharmacy Operators in Slovakia, which aims to create optimal conditions for the development of the pharmacy sector and pharmaceutical care in Slovakia.
  • Presentation
  • DISCUSSION "Human resources in healthcare"
  • DISUSSION “Digital Healthcare: Where have we moved in e-services?“
  • Omnichannel and E-Services at Dr. Max: Combining Expertise and Convenience for Customers
    How Digital Technologies are Applied at Dr. Max Pharmacies? We will introduce you to the omnichannel approach to over-the-counter products, which combines the benefits of online shopping with expert advice, either online or in-store. We will also highlight e-services that streamline processes and improve patient and customer care. You will learn more about the innovation of prescription medication reservations, which increase availability and speed up treatment.
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